Keratin Smoothing Treatment: We Breakdown The Process Step by Step

Do you spend 45 minutes to an hour every morning blow drying your hair? Or perhaps you're a busy working mum and spending/wasting a full hour every. single. day. blow drying and straightening your hair isn’t working for you. If this sounds like you then a keratin hair smoothing treatment might be the perfect solution to save you time and create the hair you've always dreamed of!

But what exactly happens to the hair during a keratin straightening treatment? Is it safe? Will it damage my hair? We've created a step-by-step guide so you'll know exactly what to expect during your keratin straightening treatment.

Step 1

Did you know most people have an excessive amount of product buildup on their hair?

That's right! The first thing we need to do is thoroughly shampoo your hair to remove any oils and product residue from your locks.

Sometimes we will shampoo your hair twice, even a third time to ensure we strip every last drip of oil and dirt as anything left on the hair will impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

Step 2

Once your hair is squeaky clean, we break the hair up into four sections, and taking 1/2-inch to 1-inch subsections, apply the keratin product from root to ends while combing through to ensure even distribution.

It might feel quite heavy and thick at this stage but it's incredibly important that we ensure all hair strands are completely saturated in the product before we start to dry it off.

Step 3

The next stage is to rough dry the hair to about 75% dry before we section the hair and start to blow dry each section of the hair smooth with a boar bristle round brush.

This will feel just like a normal blowdry except you may feel us applying extra heat and tension to each section as we make sure each strand is completely straight and 100% dry.

Step 4

Once the hair is completely straight, we create sectioning yet again and flat iron the remaining sections with 3-8 passes of the flat iron, depending on how smooth and straight the desired result is.

The goal here is to apply heat and tension to the hair to force the proteins to rebuild themselves into a straight structure rather than the previously curly or frizzy state.

Step 5

At home maintenance - this part of the process is extremely important and your keratin specialist likely give you some (very) strict rules to follow when you get home.

The it’s crucial you keep ALL moisture away from your hair! Wear a shower cap in the shower and avoid situations and events where your has any chance of getting wet - this includes sweat too so make sure you cancel those high-intensity gym sessions (sorry!). If it's especially humid, try to stay indoors with the air conditioning on.

You'll also want to avoid touching your hair - excessive touching (even tucking hair behind your ear) or wearing items such as caps or hair clips in the first 72 hours will add waves and kinks to the hair structure so its important to leave the hair as untouched as possible.

How Long Does Keratin Smoothing Take?

Your visit to the salon for keratin treatment can take anywhere between 2 to 4 hours depending on the length and thickness of your hair.

If your hair typically takes a long time to blowdry then you can expect you'll be more towards to 4 hours mark.

How Much Does Keratin Smoothing Cost?

Synergy Hair Melbourne has developed an enviable reputation as a keratin smoothing specialist. With over 100+ 5-star reviews, your hair is safe in the hands of our award-winning experts.

Short Hair: $170

Medium Hair: $200

Long Hair: $230


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